
Pesticide Hazards, First Aid, and Emergency Response CEU

Time limit: 30 days
1 credit

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Full course description

About This Course

This course discusses basic health hazards of using pesticides, first aid procedures for when exposure to a pesticide occurs, and common procedures if a large emergency situation occurs. The same material in this course can be found in the 6 CEU Bundle for Utah.

Curriculum (approximately 1 hour)

Module 1 Pesticide Hazards and First Aid (40 minutes)

  • Toxicity, Exposure, and Hazard
  • Harmful Effects of Pesticides
  • How Pesticides Enter the Body
  • Product Toxicity and Health Concerns
  • Symptom Recognition
  • First Aid for Pesticide Poisoning
  • Heat Stress

Module 2 Emergency or Incident Response (15 minutes)

  • Emergency Response Plan
  • Hazard Identification Systems
  • Fires
  • Pesticide Spills

This course is adapted from the National Pesticide Applicator Certification (NPAC) Core Manual, 2nd Edition, 2014; which can be found at

Active Courses

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Coming Soon

  • IPM Strategies CEU (1 CEU credit)
  • Personal Protective Equipment CEU (1 CEU credit)
  • Insects and Insect Control CEU (1 CEU credit)
  • Plant Diseases and Disease Control CEU (1 CEU credit)
  • Vertebrate Pests CEU (1 CEU credit)

CEU Currently Approved by Utah Only

You will receive 1 CEU credits in the Safety category. Check with your state agency for CEU credit approval.

The course contains 11 learning pages. You must view all 11 pages to receive CEU credit toward the re-certification requirements. Once you have viewed the entire course, you will receive a certificate of completion. You must print the certificate to receive your CEU credits. You need to present your printed certificate to UDAF to receive credit for this course towards your CEU requirements. We do not send enrollment information to UDAF or any other agency. You are responsible for notifying your governing agency that you have taken this online course for CEU credits. The CEUs listed on the certificate are approved for the state of Utah. Check with your local agency for approval of CEU credits outside of Utah.

Having trouble signing up for this course? View instructions on How to Enroll.