
INSTILL Professional Development Project

Ended Jul 31, 2017

Full course description

Project INSTILL is based on the emerging findings that grades K-2 are now recognized as a critical time for developing foundational knowledge and skills relating to science and STEM. Our project will develop a model for integrated science and STEM instruction for early elementary students to creatively engage in not only science practices, but also Common Core Practices in Language Arts. During the project, we will work with a cohort of teachers from both Northern and Southern Utah to support their development of multiple curricular units that integrate technology to engage students in learning the science practices as laid out in the Utah Science Core. Professional development for teachers will occur through workshops and online collaborations of professional learning communities. During the workshops delivered via distance delivery, teachers will be guided through the process of developing integrated science units designed specifically with the primary age student in mind as a vehicle for developing deep knowledge of both curricular content and pedagogical strategies.  Further, these units and strategies will directly engage best practices found in Common Core State Standards (CCSS) for language arts to link STEM content to early literacy practices. Additionally, teachers and students will work with scientists from the College of Natural Resources to establish the application and relevancy of the science content, as well as experience the practices of ‘real’ scientists.